La galassia NGC 4383

What do you think if I take you on a trip to our Universe today?? Let’s go???
What do you think if I take you on a trip to our Universe today?? Let’s go???
Betelgeuse the red supergiant in the constellation Orion.
ALMA looks inside the Nebula Carena
ALMA, shows the young planetary system PDS 70, located nearly 400 light-years away from Earth.
The formation of giant planets has traditionally been divided into two paths: core accretion and gravitational instability. Today we present the young star V960 Mon.
Fomalhaut closely observed by ALMA, Hubble and Webb the large telescopes.
ALMA, the telescope observing the early Universe, in the huge cosmic Spiderweb.
Once again ALMA solved a new mystery… but how did he find water?
Once again ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/ Submillimeter Array) comes to our aid in exploring the Tarantula nebula.
ALMA (Millimeter/submillimeter Array) and PHANGS (Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS) directly observe the evolution of the gas that gives birth to stars.